Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Back to Zumba

Today started off with a headache. I wish I knew what was causing this, but oh well.

Donovan was a pill today. He was all over the place. He had so much energy. I felt bad that he was not able get outside to play and run around. I hope tomorrow, I can let him out with his bike. It just depends on the weather.

It looks like we are going over to Scott's little sister's house tomorrow. We are finally doing Christmas. I did tell Becca that if Karen was there we would not be there. I just have no desire to deal with her anymore. Whenever she gets upset with Scott, I get the brunt of the anger. I refuse to be apart of it. Becca said Karen was in the hospital. Now I know this might sound bad but I didn't ask. I just can't allow myself to get involved.

Tonight Scott got a call from Karen's therapist. She is thinking straight and wants to talk to Scott. I have told Scott that he is more than welcome to make amends with his mom, but I am not. I am tired of her treating me like crap and the stuff she said to me was such a lie. I was standing by what Scott said and I am blamed for everything. I am not dealing with her or her emotional baggage. I feel horrible, but she can't be mean to me and think it is ok to do this all the time. So if Scott wants a relationship with Karen then he can. More power to him. I don't know if I can allow Donovan to be involve with this either. I know this might cause an argument, but how do you not acknowledge your grandson. I will pray for her, but that is it.

I did go to Zumba tonight. It was so much fun. It actually helped with my headache. I had a great time. I was so tired and worn out by the end, that I realized I need to workout. I am starting my New Year's resolution a little early. I will be starting another blog on working out and on my tribulations. I think I will do just like the Biggest Loser. I will take a picture of before and hopefully a great after picture.

I was reading through some scriptures and came across one of my favorite. This is good for the new year and the endeavors Stephanie may face that will cause me fear

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, power and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7. This is actually a song, but I can't remember how it goes.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Long Day

I am sitting here watching television and debating if I am going to read for a hour or two. I am still debating on what I should have as my New Years Resolution. Just thinking about a lot of stuff right now. I should be in bed, but I will have to move Donovan and Scott over so I think I will be sleeping in Donovan's room. I really wish Donovan would work on sleeping in his room.

I was cleaning out my purse and came across the sermon notes from Sunday's lesson. I am going to have to remember this scripture to help me get through the new year.

Psalms 28:6-7 (NIV)
Prasie be to the LORD, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strenght and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.

I hope I can truly teach Donovan this. To allow his heart to leap for joy and give thanks to God. I think Donovan's way of giving thanks will be to run around the house. Today I have allowed myself to be joyful with what my day has brought. Even though Donovan has been rambuctious, and I was somewhat annoyed.... I am thankful. He may not be able to express himself well, but he can run around with joy. Granted it is not towards God, but it is a joyful noise he makes, and at times I want to scream, but I love watching him play.

Today Donovan and I were sitting around. He says momma, momma, momma. Milk. He wants milk. I told him to go get his cup for me and I would do that.....He proceeds to tell me , No, you crazy. I had to stop from laughing. He comes up with the darnest things.
The other day I was singing something, he puts his hands over his ears and say.....hurt my ears...hurt my ears...To woud momma. To woud....(woud=loud) He just make me laugh. He is just so funny.

I am deciding on my new weight loss plan. It might help if I don't eat as much. However, I keep thinking I don't really eat alot. I think I just go too long without food. So when the new year begins I will also blog about my weight loss. I will try my best, and try to motivate myself to exercise. I really don't know why it is so hard to motivate myself. I can motivate myself with work, but exercise is something I can't do. I wish I knew why.

Well only a few more days of 2009 ...Out with the old and in with the new 2010. This will definitely be a weepy year for me. I will need to buy stock in Kleenex.

Forgot to blog on Monday

I meant to blog last night, but I decided to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks with Donovan. We also laid in his bed. I was hoping that he would sleep all night in his room. Ha. No such luck. Oh well we will try again tonight.

Yesterday I just hung out with Patricia and Liam. Donovan loved Liams Geo Traxs. Now I wish I would of gotten that for Donovan. He had so much fun with them. That is ok. He has a birthday in 6 months. They might be a little cheaper than.

I am purging out the house. I don't think I am doing a good job at it. I do know that I have gotten rid of all of Donovan's 24 thru 3T clothes. That was a good thing. Now I need to purge out toys. It is so hard to do that. I do have a few things I have purged, but not a whole lot. I listed a few things on freecycle. We will see if anyone claims them.

I need to find someone who can get all my photos off of our old computer. They are the ones I want to scrapbook with. I don't know if that is going to happen. I will try and see if I can find a friend who can help. I will be so sad if I can't get them. I should of been transferring them to a jump drive, but waited to long to decide this.

Did exercise today? I did something called Shimmy off the Fit TV. It worked my stomach and calf muscles a little. Today I will DVR two workout shows and do them today when Donovan is taking a nap.

Well I am off for now. I will post my blog tonight on the excited things that happen. LOL.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wonderful Sunday

Today has been a great day. At least to me. Donovan and I went to church. Today Lance talked about joy. It was a great sermon on joy. That when you have joy, fear has to leave. It made me think that joy is what will help me get through the rest of the school year.

Donovan started his new Sunday school class. He was not a happy camper at all. However, he must of realized that it was ok. When I went to pick him up he was so happy. He loves Sunday school and church. Thank you Jesus.

How do you answer a child who says "Why do I have to be Christian?" My response to her was that she should be proud to be Christian, but that did not seem to phase her. I pray my son never says that to me. I guess Donovan just loves going to church. It is so cute when I ask him who lives in his heart. He say in his sweet little hard to understand voice...."Jesus does" I hope he continues to have a love for church.

Donovan and I made cookies. He is so cute. He had to make his cookies in his Buzzlight year PJ's. He loves the pj's. Here is a picture of his pj's. I think they are so cute. He is not too thrilled to have to take them off, but he does.
I do feel a little sorry for him. Today Donovan wanted to know where his sissy was. I had to explain to him that she was home. He thinks her home is here, but I am not even going to explain this to a 3 year old. I am so glad he loves his sissy so much. I think they both love one another.
I have one more week of vacation and plan on relaxing. I am trying to finish reading Lovely Bones. I am having problems reading it. It involves a little girl who is brutally murdered. I don't know why books have to get graphic about what happens to children. I will try to finish it and decide from there if I will go see the movie.
I need to start thinking about new years resolutions. I have a few days to come up with a few. I think for sure one is weight loss. I think another will be getting in bed by a certain time. I just have to figure out what time that is. I know what time it should be but not sure if that will happen. I know it won't tonight because I want to get as much of the book done.
Oh well enough blogging and off to read.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day After Christmas

Today Stephanie was heading home. I hated to see her go. Today has just been a weepy day. I didn't think Stephanie leaving would effect me like this, but it did. As I was driving her down 1960 I noticed that I started to cry. I had to call my good friend Tricia, because it was really hitting me. Tricia couldn't believe I was crying either. I guess she is just growing up so quickly and I feel like I have missed a lot. She will be 18 in a month, and I will be crying a river over this. I can't imagine that 18 years ago I had my precious little girl.
Donovan was upset too. He informed me he was going home. I told him he was home. Oh no, he was going home with his sissy. It was sad. However, one thing I am blessed with is that my children love one another. Stephanie loves Donovan and Donovan absolutely adores her. Thank God, they have each other.

Tonight we took Donovan to see Alvin and The Chipmunks the Squeekal. I love watching Donovan sitting with Blake and Nolan watching the movie. He even giggled many times. It was very nice. After the movie we went out with Tricia and Josh for dinner. Scott did not want turkey. However, we are going to have leftovers for a while. I might make a turkey noodle soup. Also turkey and dressing.

The ending of 2009 is nearing and I have so much to think about. What has happenend and how things have been going.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Pictures

I I was planning to post these pictures in the last post, but I forgot. I figured I could do it now. These were just a few of the pictures. I wish Stephanie could of been in them, but I will do some Spring pictures of us. Donovan smiles so big. He reminds me of Stephanie. They love to smile.

Christmas Time Again

Well I haven't been online for a while. So I will try to catch up as much as possible. I am on Christmas break right now and I am excited to be on break. Stephanie came down to Houston for Christmas break. I am so excited for her to be home. It is nice to have my two children sleeping under the same roof.

Stephanie has been great with Donovan. He so loves his sissy. Stephanie had her friends over and they played with Donovan. It was just nice to have laughter in the house besides Donovan's. He has been so happy and it has been great to see Stephanie and Donovan having such a great time.

I think the best Christmas gift I received is Stephanie coming home. I know this will be her last one here with us. She is a senior this year and she is going to be going away to college. I am sure she will start spending it with her friends and probably with her dad.

I am so excited about Christmas. We will be at the Abel's as usually. I don't mind. It is actually a fun time. I know Scott is wanting to spend time with his Nana. She hasn't been doing well, and just wants to spend what time he can with her.

I guess I need to go. I am trying to type and watch the movie Julia and Julia which has inspired me to blog more.

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