Sunday, February 28, 2010

Life and its joys

I haven't written in a while so I am sure I have a lot to catch up on. I will do my best, but doubt that I will get everything down. I am at awe how my son cracks me up everyday. Here are a few examples:

1. He was laying in my bed with his daddy. I told Donovan he was not sleeping in my bed. His reply to me ears are not listening.

2. Donovan knocks over some books. Who does he blame? Toto the dog. Poor Toto is getting blamed for everything.

3. Donovan doesn't want to pick up so he let me know I was crazy.

4. Yesterday we told Donovan he could not have a toy. He let us know we were not his friend and not to talk to him. I was more than happy to honor his request. Then he apologized.

He is growing like a weed. He keeps me on my toes. I wish I could bottle up his energy, but don't see that happening. I am assuming that if I could and every other mother we would be rich.

Today Donovan and I went to celebrate Liam's birthday. It was such a beautiful day. I will have to add a few pictures. We had a great time. He just was such a cutie. I was really proud of him of being nice and sharing with the other kids.

Here are a few pictures of us when it snowed here last week. He didn't want to look. It is really hard to see it snowed, but it did. He was being a little pill. At least he is my little pill.

Monday, February 22, 2010


I am trying to figure out why we have so many idiots in this world. Do you wonder if you are married to one. Do you wonder if you work with any? What about if you live near idiots. Could you possibly be related to an idiot. I think I work with a few, and related to a few.

Promises are not promises if you can't keep it. Oh man. Sometimes I wonder if people know what is coming out of their mouth. I just want to scream. I want to scream very loudly, but everyone is a sleep.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Frustrated beyond no avail

Today was a teacher workday. I try really hard not to allow dumb people to make me mad, but didn't happen today. I am trying to figure out why a teacher is still at our school. I try my hardest to get along with people, but it ain't going to happen.

I have no problem of understand the team concept. However, I do have a problem when people say they are going to do something, but they always drop the ball. I wish I had the "I don't care" attitude. I just can't. I guess when people drop the ball it not just effects me, but it effects my kids.

Last week the reading team took off the day, to plan for TAKS and the 5th six weeks. Do you think we got that done. Well of course not. That would be too much to ask. I ended up helping Anna get her stuff done, because I don't think she understood what we were looking for. Once Anna was planned out, I just assumed my other co worker would work on Level one stuff. Well heck that would of been too much to ask. She spent most of her time emailing and just doing nothing for our reading students. I just wanted to scream. I also felt like I wasted the districts money on a sub when nothing was done.

Now fast forward to today. Well last night I planned out the rest of the six weeks that only took me about 30 to 40 minutes. We just need to put things down and finalize things. I get thank you for doing that. Which informed me of the things she said she would do she didn't. What a shock? Anyways she dropped the ball again. As we are talking about TAKS stuff for next week, she has not done her share. I am so livid because she gets away with doing nothing as usual. Why is that ok? I am so tired of complaining about it that I have decide as of today I am not saying anything more to her. I will do my own copies and things. I mean I have kept my tongue, but let me tell you my fist would like to do some talking. I have to go Zumba to get my aggression out. I am not sure how much longer I can take this. I am just going to be very laid back. ARGH!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day. I woke up to Donovan telling me "Thank you mom!, Thank you momma!" I was trying to figure out what this child was thanking me for. Then he gave me a hug and showed me the Valentine's day heart candy we got his dad. There was a note I left Scott with the candy. It said this is from Donovan. Happy Valentine's day. Well that goofy child saw his name and thought it was his. It was actually really funny. However, I had to fix that. I went and got Donovan's gift bag of Valentine's stuff. He was a little upset until he saw what was in there. He was happy and started telling me Thank you mom. I love it. Gosh I love that little boy. He is definitely a cutie.

Donovan and I went to the grocery store. It was actually fun even if he was a little aggravating with the little one. He picked out what he wanted for his lunches.

Scott bought me roses. They are beautiful.

Donovan and I played the Wii Fit. When he gets tired he lets me finish it for him. We laughed a lot because we were running so fast that the runner was tripping and falling. Such simple things to make my little one laugh.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Library Time

Yesterday after school I took Donovan to the library. He was so intrigued with the library that I was excited. He picked out three books. It was so sweet. He even put the library card in the reader to check out our books. I hope he becomes a great reader. I can keep my fingers crossed.

Donovan is having issues with sharing. I can't seem to get him to understand that he does not need to get frustrated with stuff. Hopefully everything comes in tomorrow that I can get him registered for school so he can go to speech class.

I actually went to bed early. It was so nice.

Not alot to write. I feel bad that I haven't been writing. Oh well.

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