Today is Friday and I haven't blogged since Wednesday. I have a lot to share and a lot to keep to myself. I wish I could blog it, but there is just somethings you just need to keep to yourself and God.
Wednesday my precious little boy went to the doctor. I finally got him to the doctor since his speech testing. The diagnostician thinks Donovan's congestation is making Donovan's speech difficult. He snores like a bear, and he breaths through his mouth. Bless his little heart. So the nurse took Donovan's temp, blood pressure, checked his heart, etc. Donovan was so happy. Just the best little one. Then Dr. Kravitz came in and checked his adnoids. They are a little swollen. Then we talked. Dr. Kravitz decided to have a x ray done on his adnoids and then a blood test. Now the x ray and blood test I was not sure how Donovan would do. Dr. Kravitz said we would see the results and go from there. I hope nothing serious. I just want to know he will not need any type of surgery. We go to get the x ray and Donovan was great. However, we did the blood test. I told the nurse the last time Donovan needed blood taken he was held down by 4 people. She asked how old he was I told her. She said oh he will be ok. Well I held my little doodlebug. He was trying to see what the nurse was doing. Well we thought it was all clear and she stuck him. My poor baby was crying. I started to cry too. I hate to see my son in any pain or crying. Well the nurse had to pull the needle out because Donovan was so tense it was affecting the blood being drawn. So she asked if Scott could hold Donovan. Well after all that was said and done, Donovan did get the blood drawn. He was crying...."No want, no want" Poor baby. When he was finished they gave him stickers. As we were walking out, my baby says, this sucks. I nearly fell out. He was walking with both his arms sticking out that you would of thought we hurt him. After this we went to the Backyard Grill and had dinner. It was nice. Donovan got to play in the sandbox.
Thursday Donovan and I just sat around. He did the basketball game, and he was very good. We came home and did nothing.
Friday- Today seemed to be good, but I have been somewhat aggitated with the kids and things in general. I found out one of my students got in trouble. I will have to say a little prayer this sweet little boy. I made my one parent call. That was not fun, but it had to be done. I just don't understand why boys don't think before they do stuff. Then after work I went to help Charlotte with her grandmother's house. Poor girl, has so much to do, and no one to really help her without wanting something in return. It is sad family can be so greedy.
The doctor's office called me today. They informed me they received the x ray results. His adnoids are swollen and he will need to take the prescription they are calling in for him. Also his white blood count was a little high. I hope these precautions will help with him
I came home tonight to the same blah blah blah. When is enough alcohol enough. I am so tired of Donovan having to see this. I don't remember ever growing up dealing with seeing my parents drink. I mean drink till you are past out drunk. I will continue to pray that God will help me find a peace. I don't know how much more of this drinking I can take. I say this all the time, but eventually I will.
I am sitting here watching my little one asleep in the recliner. He is such a precious angel and hate that he doesn't see a father who is not drinking on a Friday. I am sure I will hear some dumb excuse. Ok, give me results not excuses. Besides I am tired of being told I will stop. That is just a lie.
Tomorrow is my precious angel Stephanie's 18th birthday. I ordered her flowers for her birthday. I can still remember the day she was born. She was a gift from God, and I am so glad that I was able to be her mom. I love her with all my life, and would do anything for her or Donovan. How did I get so lucky to have wonderful, funny children.I am sure tomorrow I will be crying. It just hurts that I can't be there to celebrate her birthday with her.
I guess I have blogged enough about my problems.
Tummy Tuck After 80 Pound Weight Loss
4 years ago
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