Today has been a great day. At least to me. Donovan and I went to church. Today Lance talked about joy. It was a great sermon on joy. That when you have joy, fear has to leave. It made me think that joy is what will help me get through the rest of the school year.
Donovan started his new Sunday school class. He was not a happy camper at all. However, he must of realized that it was ok. When I went to pick him up he was so happy. He loves Sunday school and church. Thank you Jesus.
How do you answer a child who says "Why do I have to be Christian?" My response to her was that she should be proud to be Christian, but that did not seem to phase her. I pray my son never says that to me. I guess Donovan just loves going to church. It is so cute when I ask him who lives in his heart. He say in his sweet little hard to understand voice...."Jesus does" I hope he continues to have a love for church.
Donovan and I made cookies. He is so cute. He had to make his cookies in his Buzzlight year PJ's. He loves the pj's. Here is a picture of his pj's. I think they are so cute. He is not too thrilled to have to take them off, but he does.
I do feel a little sorry for him. Today Donovan wanted to know where his sissy was. I had to explain to him that she was home. He thinks her home is here, but I am not even going to explain this to a 3 year old. I am so glad he loves his sissy so much. I think they both love one another.
I have one more week of vacation and plan on relaxing. I am trying to finish reading Lovely Bones. I am having problems reading it. It involves a little girl who is brutally murdered. I don't know why books have to get graphic about what happens to children. I will try to finish it and decide from there if I will go see the movie.
I need to start thinking about new years resolutions. I have a few days to come up with a few. I think for sure one is weight loss. I think another will be getting in bed by a certain time. I just have to figure out what time that is. I know what time it should be but not sure if that will happen. I know it won't tonight because I want to get as much of the book done.
Oh well enough blogging and off to read.
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